Očaril ho bunker na Skladovej, game jam aj kofola. Doktorand z Poľska si pochvaľuje mobilitu na FMK

Mikołaj Bajew z poľského Lublina absolvoval svoju zahraničnú mobilitu v rámci programu Erasmus+ na našej fakulte, konkrétne na Katedre digitálnych hier.

„Ak by som mal opísať komplexný dopad mojej stáže na vašej univerzite, povedal by som, že mi umožnila inteligentnejšie myslieť,“ hodnotí svoj pobyt u nás. Oceňuje užitočné rady aj kritiku, ktoré dostal od našich pedagógov. Práve naši odborníci z Katedry digitálnych hier boli prví z tohto odboru, s ktorými sa doposiaľ stretol. „Pre mňa to bolo ako učiť sa zo samotného zdroja o predmete, ktorý ma zaujíma,“ hovorí Mikołaj.

V rozhovore sa dozviete, čo sa na FMK naučil, či by mobilitu u nás odporučil aj ďalším doktorandom, čo sa mu v Trnave najviac páčilo, ale aj čo si myslí o Slovákoch.

How did your internship at our faculty help you in your doctoral studies?

It expanded my vision on what I want to achieve with my study and it widened my perspective. I received a lot of useful advice and criticism, both inspiring and limiting. Inspiring because they encouraged me to take a closer look at matters I had neglected (for example, my own practice of game audio). Limiting because they hinted at physical and timely obstacles, which could prevent me from succeeding with my research plan. And it was of a great value, because I realised I had focused on the ideas to the extent I ignored the praxis.

If I were to describe the complex impact of my internship at Your University, I would say that it enabled me to think more smartly. And that is something I missed, although I hadn’t known this.

What new experiences, knowledge do you take away?

The scholars and practitioners I met were the first ones of a ‘digital games’ origin I have ever encountered. To me it was like learning from the very source about the subject I am interested in. I learnt about teaching seniors how to use new technologies with video games. I learnt about essentials of publication process and what I can improve in my writing.

Moreover, I comprehended what is required to conduct effective scientific interviews and how much time is needed to make good use of them. Not to mention learning of how digital games are constructed in Unreal Engine and what the process of conveying the idea of game into an actual game may look like. Visiting Faculty’s Neurolab was an exceptional experience that provided a valuable insights into potential improvements for my research methods.

I also do appreciate the idea of taking advantage of experiment method in my research, instead of sticking to the quantitative analysis of an internet discourse. And last but not least I learnt a lot by working with audio on my own, but it would not have been as fruitful without the guidance and advice of the Department’s staff.

What was the atmosphere like at the digital games department? Did you feel good here? How was the cooperation with the members of the department?

The atmosphere was home-like and cosy. Everyone was kind, polite and cheerful, always willing to lend a hand and offering help should I need it. Cooperation was smooth and – at least from my point of view – did not raised any problems. Department’s staff has always responded quickly to my questions.

Which activity stay in your memory the most?

Trnava Game Jam 2023 Offline Edition. It was not something related directly to academia, but participating in that event enabled me to become a part of a video game development team (small as it was), as a sound designer. It “opened my eyes” to how the video game production process looks like, how much (hard) work it takes to create even the simplest of games and… what the “game jams” are about. That was my first game jam I took a part in, however definitely not the last one.

I also want to mention here the unique atmosphere and a pleasant thrill of “the Bunker” place. I do wish we had a copy in Lublin. A truly shining gem in the Department’s exceptionally vibrant and diversed crown.

Would you recommend mobility or an internship at our faculty to doctoral students at your institution?

I have already done it, to my friend from Media Communication and Social Sciences field. If UCM is up to cover different areas of science in such benevolent and professional way as in my case, I have no doubts every Erasmus+ student will find what he/she needs in here.

Anything else you would like to share with us 🙂

Well, I fell in love with Kofola. And Trnava’s Old Town. And Slovak Holy masses. And the sight of the mountains from my dromitory’s room window. I also noticed that – on average – Slovaks are really sports-eager, healthy nation. I almost envy You.

Rozhovor v angličtine pripravila Mgr. Lenka Labudová, PhD., fakultná koordinátorka pre zahraničné mobility prichádzajúcich a odchádzajúcich študentov. 

Zdroje fotografií: Mikołaj Bajew