Young BSF: Zúčastnite sa na medzinárodnej konferencii v slovinskej Ľubľane a Blede

Young Bled Strategic Forum už viac ako desať rokov združuje mladých lídrov vo veku od 18 do 35 rokov z celého sveta, aby sa zapojili do diskusií a rozvíjali inovatívne riešenia niektorých z najpálčivejších globálnych problémov.

Konferencia sa stala jedinečným miestom stretnutia pre rôznorodú škálu mladých lídrov, podnikateľov, influencerov, mysliteľov a sociálnych aktivistov, ktorým ponúka platformu na zdieľanie svojich vízií, výmenu nápadov a vzájomné prepojenie.

Základné informácie


  • Discover Young BSF 2021 in the short recap video:

  • More information about the programme (both BSF and Young BSF) can be found on the  BSF webpage: Link to Bled Strategic Forum Webpage
  • WHO CAN APPLY: Young active citizens age 18-35 – Link to Young BSF 2022 Application form ( Please be advised, that some of the online communication might still disclose the application period to finish on June 6th 2022. The period has been prolonged for an additional week until the end of Sunday June 12. 2022
  • WHAT COSTS ARE COVERED WITHIN THE PROGRAMME: accommodation (During the Young BSF and Bled Strategic Forum), food, travel costs upon request (with grants determined and granted to participants)
  • FORMAT: 3-day intensive capacity building, training, discussion, networking opportunity within the Young BSF and participation within the Bled Strategic Forum, one of the biggest international conferences within Central and South-East Europe.
  • TOPICS INCLUDEDtopics specifically relevant to youth (mobility, education, vocational training…) and the support for the involvement of youth in decision making on global challenges (sustainability and green transformation, foreign policy, geopolitics, security, cross-border cooperation, multilateralism, digital resilience, challenge of debunking disinformation, support for free media and just society, diversity, …)
  • One pager describing Young BSF: Link to Young BSF onepager
  • EUSDR Priority Area 10 webpage: Link to EUSDR PA-10 Webpage